Fallout 4 steam key list
Fallout 4 steam key list

fallout 4 steam key list

Now you can join and lead the Raiders to ravage Commonwealth settlements. Nuka-World is fun for the entire post-apocalyptic family. Several different zones each with its own attractions: raiders, ghouls, Gatorclaws, even a deranged army of heavily armed promotional robots. Take your settlement-building talents to another level.Nuka-WorldAre you tired of the Commonwealth? The Nuka-World theme park has what you need to be entertained again. Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop DLC is just the thing for all mad engineers who’d rather see themselves create Rube Goldberg machines instead of committing crimes against nature.Improve your settlements with elevators, food processors and not-safe-for-anyone fireworks.Vault-Tec WorkshopDid you ever think of becoming a Vault Overseer? You can become one in three simple steps! Experiment with new devices, explore the depths of a mountain and bring wastelanders to live in your totally safe Vault. Can the Sole Survivor solve the problems of all inhabitants of Far Harbor, human and synth alike, and with whom will you form an alliance, player?Contraptions WorkshopExpand your workshop even further with you own complex factories, complete with logic gates. What lies in the future is more troubling than the Sole Survivor and Nick could have ever expected.Fallout 4: Far Harbor DLC introduces a brand new area, the titular Far Harbor island, plagued by a disturbing Fog. Participate in your companion Nick Valentine's investigation as he tracks down a missing young woman. Will you be a good host and tame them, as Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop DLC allows? Or maybe you will make them fight for your enjoyment on a brand new arena you can build in any settlement? Whatever your choice is, Wasteland Workshop offers you the buildings and options to make a true freakshow zoo and the most bizarre combat arena in the Commonwealth.Far HarborAs the second story-focused add-on (after the Automatron), Far Harbor takes the player on a disturbing quest to a remote island.

fallout 4 steam key list fallout 4 steam key list

Build cages for anything from a docile Brahmin to volatile Deathclaws and extremely dangerous Super Mutants. Customise your Codsworth to your heart's content and build some robo-buddies with a brand new robot manufacturing station.Wasteland WorkshopCreate your own insane zoo featuring creatures and even people you encounter in your travels. You can even modify a certain robotic butler into a cybernetic monstrosity equipped with guns, tough armor and still retaining the dorky personality you already know. Confront the robotic forces of a person called the Mechanist and gain the technology allowing your imagination to run rampant, limited only by your imagination and available resources.With the Automatron expansion you can create your own robots from scratch using an entire expansive library of parts. All of that with just one purchase, no need to pay for the game ever again.AutomatronIf you have ever dreamt of building your own robots, this DLC is for you. New tasks, new regions, new quests and vistas to behold. It contains several robust content packs and expansions, boosting Fallout 4's longevity up to unimaginable levels.

fallout 4 steam key list

Fallout 4 Season Pass is a way to get all Fallout 4 paid DLC without having to make several purchases over time.

Fallout 4 steam key list